Ready to learn more about how RAAFT Tracks can keep you from getting stuck? Looking for specific information on how we do it? See some of our most frequently asked questions below.
What model of RAAFT Track will fit my tires?
RAAFT 525 is intended for use on 11.2x24in. R1 Ag/Irrigation tires. They also can be used successfully on tires that range from 11.0×20 Recap through 11×24.5 with R1 Ag treads. RAAFT 526 is intended for use on 11.2×38 R1 Ag/Irrigation tires. RAAFT 700 is intended for use on 14.9×24 R1 Ag/Irrigation tires.
How do I know if I need spacers?
In many cases, the need for spacers can be eliminated by turning the positively dished wheel around. However, PolyTech LLC can supply a spacer that moves the tire out 4 inches. You can determine the need for these spacers by measuring from the center of the R1 tread to the closest interference point. This interference point could be the driveline or the pivot leg. RAAFT 525/526 needs a minimum of 11 inches from the center of the tire. RAAFT 700 needs a minimum of 13 inches from the center of the tire.
Does it hurt the tracks to run in existing ruts?
Yes, existing ruts should be filled whenever possible. Running in existing ruts adds a great deal of extra stress to the track, the wheel, and the gearbox and this stress will shorten the life of the track. This will be directly related to the amount of time the track is run in these conditions. However, many people choose to run in existing ruts because of the tracks ability to close the ruts and/or because it is often difficult or unfeasible to fill the ruts.
What model of RAAFT Track is best for existing ruts?
All models of RAAFT Tracks can run in existing ruts, however, we recommend the RAAFT 526 (11.2×38) FOR DEEP RUTS AND SEVERE CONDITIONS.
What model of RAAFT Track is best for flotation?
If flotation is what you want, all RAAFT Track models will suit your flotation needs, with 500 to 700 square inches of contact area.